Metal slug attack agalia
Metal slug attack agalia

metal slug attack agalia

That said, she's still First Baby, and so her goal is still to destroy everything. Enlightenment Superpower: Her sati form, which restores to her a full, undamaged mind.

metal slug attack agalia

Blood Knight: She just loves smashing stuff.This version has much more personality than the virus of 4.Īn earlier, and very flawed, version of White Baby. Super Prototype: This is the prototype of the "white baby" virus that plunged the world into fear in Metal Slug 4 but was eradicated by an antivirus.Stocking Filler: Wears fishnet stockings.Although the former may be subverted after the events of the "White Breath" Extra Ops. While Alice is loyal to her faction and was merely made by accident, White Baby was made by the Amadeus Syndicate as a powerful computer virus who decided its better to work by herself than under the Syndicate. Foil: To Alice Both are free-roaming A.I., and that's where the similarities end.Fair-Play Villain: In Task Force the 1st, when Rosa suggests they cheat to win, she considers it a bad idea since she believes cheating to be "no fun".Energy Weapon: Her satellites and the Amadeus Robots.Enemy Summoner: Her special is producing Amadeus Robots.Easter Egg: If Alice is part of the opposing team, then White Baby's victory animation will have her holding Alice by the pigtails.She is also able to hack new technology, such as Clone Betty. Digitized Hacker: As a computer virus, she can easily hack and take control of Amadeus technology, from Robots to the robot clones of Allen and Morden.Dark-Skinned Blond: As White Baby (Summer Type), whose "skin" is now tanned while retaining her blonde hair.She even treats her battles like a playful game. Creepy Child: Her avatar can easily give this impression, creepy giggle and all.Big Brother Bully: Often teases the Iron Fortress for her weaker personality.Big Damn Heroes: After Clone Betty and the Martians invaded the Amadeus base, Betty had Amadeus in her sights and could have killed him right then and there if White Baby didn't help herself to hack into Betty's AI, forcing the Martians to retreat.Arch-Enemy: To Alice, another digital character.Can also be considered Gone Horribly Right. While she recognises her creator Amadeus as her "father", she rather go by her own rules than to work for him. Is a Crapshoot: There's a reason her name includes "Prototype". Like MS-Alice, White Baby is able to produce a mass hologram of herself. White Baby holding AliceA supervirus, created by the Amadeus Syndicate, in its prototype form.

Metal slug attack agalia