Rwanda’s first collective management society, RSAU comprises the Association of Musicians (INGOMA Music Association), the Association of Cinema Artists (IRIZA CARD), the Association of Writers (LA PLUME D’OR) and ISOKO Arts Rwanda in partnership with different government entities. The Rwanda Society of Authors (RSAU) was legally established and officially registered with the Rwanda Development Board in May 2010.
#M.opera minicom registration#
Today most artists have learned the importance of owning rights over their innovations, at Rwanda Development Board (RDB), there is a department of Intellectual property rights registration and artists are always sensitized to register their music. In early 2015, King James one of the most celebrated local artist was involved in a copyrights scandal over his hit ‘Ganyobwe ’ where the Abadahigwa cultural troupe claimed to have original rights over the song, this issue was later solved amicably though with the artist accepting to shoot another version of the video with the Abadahigwa members featuring in the video. Rwanda currently takes infringements on intellectual copyrights serious. Article 95 of Law N: 31/2009 of on the protection of intellectual property provides protection for original works among which musical works with or without accompanying words, dramatically-musical works are inclusive. Rwanda is an active member of the World Intellectual Property Organization and joined the African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO) in 2011.

Under the Ministry of trade and commerce, in April 2015 Rwanda celebrated the International Intellectual Property day where the minister of trade and industry urged all Rwandan artists to register their innovations.